Sunday, February 22, 2009


Great article in the Augusta Chronicle by Sid Mullis this week. To summarize, Sid recommends a preemergence herbicide in late February- early March. He does not recommend a weed and feed product; however, as it is too early to be fertilizing..

Up next....Spring Garden Challenge 2009!

see you

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009 Cursive Writing

There is an article in the Augusta Chronicle today about cursive writing. It just so happens that both my kids inherited poor penmanship. The author of the article recommends a couple of things that have worked for us other than typing.

One thing is to encourage your child to write in cursive about something they really like. My daughter enjoys making up stories, so she was ok with writing that in cursive. Our youngest just completed a short story for a contest that pays 50 bucks. That was a motivator for him...

Timely article for what is becoming a lost art- cursive.

see you .

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Amaryllis

Happy February!

Spring is sure to come! I see signs of life outside...

Several of you have asked what to do with the Amaryllis bulb left over from Christmas. I bought one of "Patrick's Amaryllis" bulbs and am enjoying the second, possibly third, full bloom! The plant is so healthy that I am staking it up with a small branch of forsythia and tying with raffia or ribbon.

After the bloom, I will "relocate" the bulb outside to a sunny spot where I'll enjoy yet another bloom when it's warmer outside...

good luck!
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