Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Squash Ideas

Some ideas for the lucky ones who escaped the
Squash Vine Borer..excerpts from Facebook Fans
and Famous Writers!
Blessings from the Garden
Dudley Guitton
Dudley Guitton
Just scoop out the seeds, cut into hunks, toss is olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in the oven. Yum.
June 8 at 10:21am · ·
Dudley Guitton
Dudley Guitton
Unless this is the tiny kind and you just cook them whole. I can't tell from the photo.
June 8 at 10:22am · ·
Teresa Newsome Quarles
Teresa Newsome Quarles
I split mine down the middle, place face down, roast as Dudley does, then make a Gremolata with lemon rind, lemon juice, capers, garlic, olive oil, and either parsley or dill. Last time I did this, I used dill since I had it. It was delish! Oh, and I used a variety of squashes.
June 8 at 10:45am · ·
Mary Louise Hagler
Mary Louise Hagler
it's pretty small, wondering if I took off vine too early. i'll wait for the butternuts to finish and cook all together. will post on my website and your comments... thanks.
need to go get some capers and lemon ♥ ♥ ♥
June 8 at 12:37pm · ·
Beth Nathan Calhoun
Beth Nathan Calhoun
I love roasted butternut squash!
June 8 at 2:12pm · ·
Virginia Kilmer Veale
Virginia Kilmer Veale
Patty pan squash is so delish! Haven't had it in years. My daddy used to grow it, and it doesn't get large. Mama used to dredge in egg wash and flour, then pan fry. But that's not really healthy. But oh, so good!
June 8 at 5:51pm · ·
Patricia Lanza
Patricia Lanza
Steam it first to get it semi-tender then saute in olive oil and garlic for flavor or place on baking sheet and oven roast for brown glaze. can also put on grill and bruse on OL & garlic. This is for whole squash or you can slice it and saute it but the presentation is diminished.
June 9 at 10:51am · ·
Louise Grover Meadows
Louise Grover Meadows
someone just gave me one.....
June 9 at 10:56am · ·

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