You watch thier color change right before your very eyes!
Ok. So I am a little loopy about all the beans growing at home, but who knew?
Those beautiful (before pic) purple beans would have magical properties! Like Burgandy Okra, they turn back to thier "normal" color (after pic) when cooked...
A little EVOO(thnx Rachel.) and some garlic...tasty!
Are you growing beans?
see you
Bean's make me fart too & these purple ones are a real gas. And you can't be too careful either. I accidently let one go in church while my legs were propped up on the next pew & WHAMMO! The gas, accelerated via skin tight pedal pushers, blew my tennis shoes over the preacher's head right into the choir. And the stench - WHEW! Let's just say it caused quite an uproar, so be careful who you let eat these mighty mites.
HHmmmm. that's so interesting considering I never said anything in my article about gas! Hope you don't go to my church!
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